Canon EOS 600D佳能数码单反摄影手册
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Camera Networks: The Acquisition and Analysis of Videos over Wide Areas
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Nikon Rangefinder Camera: An Illustrated History
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Nginx模块开发指南: 使用C++11和Boost程序库
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C++程序设计: 基础、编程抽象与算法策略
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AutoCAD 2012 with AutoLISP
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C++ High Performance: Boost and optimize the performance of your C++17 code: Write code that scales across CPU registers, multi-core, and machine clusters
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Visual C++/MATLAB图像处理与识别实用案例精选
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C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner
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C# 7.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference
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Auto CAD高手不求人的秘密: 建筑·景观·室内设计师必备手册
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AutoCAD 2011标准培训教程
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Using AutoLISP with AutoCAD
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完全掌握AutoCAD 2008(中文版)
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出版日期: 2011-01
中文版AutoCAD 2012建筑设计从入门到精通
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Auto CAD & SketchUp建筑自动化应用
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