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Stalinism as a Way of Life: A Narrative in Documents

Stalinism as a Way of Life: A Narrative in Documents 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-20 13:59:22

作者:Siegelbaum, Lewis H. (EDT)/ Sokolov, Andrei/ Hoisington, Thomas (TRN)/ Shabad, Steven (TRN)

译者:Steven Shabad

出版社:Yale University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 资源 苏联史 社会史 斯大林主义批评 斯大林 历史 共和国 世界史

简介· · · · · ·

What was life like for ordinary Russian citizens in the 1930s? How did they feel about socialism and the acts committed in its name? This unique book provides English-speaking readers with the responses of those who experienced firsthand the events of the middle-Stalinist period. The book contains 157 documents -- mostly letters to authorities from Soviet citizens, but also rep...

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