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The Color Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings

The Color Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings 9.5分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 06:49:56

作者:Anna Llenas

出版社:Sterling Children's Books



文件格式: pdf

标签: 绘本 颜色怪物 情绪绘本 儿童绘本 英文 AgeY02+ 2014 陪顺顺看的书2016

简介· · · · · ·

From School Library Journal

PreS-K—Employing a rainbow of tones, a young girl tries to help her multihued friend understand why he is "feeling all mixed up." The unnamed child distinguishes five emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, fear, and calm) and articulates what each one might feel like by equating it with a color. A smiling golden monster on a spread featuring yellow lea...

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