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Energy and Civilization: A History

Energy and Civilization: A History 8.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 18:01:57

作者:Vaclav Smil

出版社:The MIT Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 能源 历史 世界史 科学 比尔盖茨 2017比尔盖茨推荐 英文 美国

简介· · · · · ·

A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization.

"I wait for new Smil books the way some people wait for the next 'Star Wars' movie. In his latest book, Energy and Civilization: A History, he goes deep and broad to explain how innovations in humans' ability to t...

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