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Metaprogramming Ruby (2nd edition): Program Like the Ruby Pros

Metaprogramming Ruby (2nd edition): Program Like the Ruby Pros 9.6分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-04 14:47:34

作者:Paolo Perrotta

出版社:Pragmatic Bookshelf



文件格式: pdf

标签: Ruby Metaprogramming ruby Programming 编程语言 元编程 编程 程序设计

简介· · · · · ·

Dig under the surface and explore Ruby’s most advanced feature: a collection of techniques and tricks known as metaprogramming. In this book, you’ll learn metaprogramming as an essential component of Ruby and discover the deep, non-obvious details of the language. Once you understand the tenets of Ruby, including the object model, scopes, and singleton classes, you’re on your w...

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