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Game Development Essentials: Game Artificial Intelligence

Game Development Essentials: Game Artificial Intelligence 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-23 15:11:31

作者:Jr., John B. Ahlquist

出版社:Cengage Learning



文件格式: pdf

标签: 游戏设计 游戏开发 游戏行业 计算机 英文版 游戏 大学 图书馆

简介· · · · · ·

Written by experts with years of gaming industry experience developing today's most popular games, Game Development Essentials: Game Artificial Intelligence provides an engaging introduction to "real world" game artificial intelligence techniques. With a clear, step-by-step approach, the book begins by covering artificial intelligence techniques that are relevant to the work of...

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