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移动系统中间件建模与仿真(英文版) 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-03-29 01:50:12





文件格式: pdf

标签: 计算机 软件开发 通信 软件架构 移动通信

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  1. 内容简介
  2. 作者介绍
  3. Abstract
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Chapter 1 Introduction
  6. 1.1 Motivation: middleware for mobile systems
  7. 1.2 Problems with architecture-centric approaches
  8. 1.3 Objectives of the book
  9. 1.4 Our approach
  10. 1.5 Structure of the book
  11. Chapter 2 The Problem Domain
  12. 2.1 Overview
  13. 2.2 Middleware for distributed systems
  14. 2.3 Middleware for mobile systems
  15. 2.4 Middleware for mobile systems: examples
  16. 2.5 Aspects to be modeled
  17. Chapter 3 Related Work
  18. 3.1 Overview
  19. 3.2 Requirements
  20. 3.3 Survey of related work
  21. Chapter 4 An Overview of the Approach
  22. 4.1 Overview
  23. 4.2 The architectural style for the middleware
  24. 4.3 The modeling and simulation framework
  25. Chapter 5 Architectural Style-based Modeling
  26. 5.1 Overview
  27. 5.2 Background of the TGTS
  28. 5.3 Specification of the style
  29. Chapter 6 Style Examples
  30. 6.1 Overview
  31. 6.2 The middleware for nomadic networks
  32. 6.3 Conceptual style
  33. 6.4 Platform-independent concrete style
  34. 6.5 Platform-specific concrete style: Wireless CORBA
  35. Chapter 7 Style Refinement
  36. 7.1 Overview
  37. 7.2 Requirements for the refinement
  38. 7.3 Existing approaches and open problems
  39. 7.4 Rule mapping-based style refinement
  40. Correctness Check
  41. 7.5 Evaluation and comparison
  42. Chapter 8 Style Simulation and Tools
  43. 8.1 Overview
  44. 8.2 Graph transformation simulation tools
  45. 8.3 Style-based simulation
  46. Chapter 9 Conclusion
  47. 9.1 Evaluation
  48. 9.2 Relevance to practice
  49. 9.3 Contributions
  50. 9.4 Future work
  51. Appendix A OMG Wireless CORBA IDL
  52. MobileTerminal.idl
  53. Module MobilityEventNotification
  54. Module GTP GIOP Tunneling Protocol
  55. Bibliography
  56. List of Figures
  57. List of Tables
  58. 附录CD