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Linux Kernel Development: Kernel Development

Linux Kernel Development: Kernel Development 8.9分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-22 19:26:54

作者:Robert Love

出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional



文件格式: pdf

标签: Linux kernel 操作系统 内核 计算机 linux Kernel Linux/Unix

简介· · · · · ·

The third edition of the authoritative, practical introduction to the Linux kernel for programmers who want to better understand the Linux kernel and write and develop kernel code. Authored by a well-known member of the Linux kernel development team, with a reputation for a highly readable and focused writing style, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes improved...


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1 Introduction to the Linux Kernel
2 Getting Started with the Kernel
3 Process Management
4 Process Scheduling
5 System Calls
6 Kernel Data Structures
7 Interrupts and Interrupt Handlers
8 Bottom Halves and Deferring Work
9 An Introduction to Kernel Synchronization
10 Kernel Synchronization Methods
11 Timers and Time Management
12 Memory Management
13 The Virtual Filesystem
14 The Block I/O Layer
15 The Process Address Space
16 The Page Cache and Page Writeback
17 Devices and Modules
18 Debugging
19 Portability
20 Patches, Hacking, and the Community