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Bright Signals: A History of Color Television

Bright Signals: A History of Color Television 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-23 14:37:14

作者:Susan Murray

出版社:Duke University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 媒介史 技术批判 NYU

简介· · · · · ·

First demonstrated in 1928, color television remained little more than a novelty for decades as the industry struggled with the considerable technical, regulatory, commercial, and cultural complications posed by the medium. Only fully adopted by all three networks in the 1960s, color television was imagined as a new way of seeing that was distinct from both monochrome televisio...

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Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
1. "And Now—Color": Early Color Systems 11
2. Natural Vision Versus "Tele-Vision": Defining and Standardizing Color 34
3. Color Adjustments: Experiments, Calibrations, and Color Training, 1950–1955 86
4. Colortown, USA: Expansion, Stabilization, and Promotion, 1955–1959 127
5. The Wonderful World of Color: Network Programming and the Spectacular Real, 1960–1965 176
6. At the End of the Rainbow: Global Expansion, the Space Race, and the Cold War 217
Conclusion 251
Notes 259
Bibliography 293
Index 303