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White Tiger: An Autobiography of Yang Xianyi

White Tiger: An Autobiography of Yang Xianyi 9.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-24 12:18:33

作者:Yang Xianyi

出版社:The Chinese University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 杨宪益 传记 历史 知识分子 回忆录 翻译 自传 文革

简介· · · · · ·

It all began with a dream. A young woman saw a white tiger leap into her lap. It was both auspicious and unlucky—her son, the fortune-teller said, would grow up with no brothers, and his father's health would be endangered by his birth. That son, however, would have a distinguished career, after going through many misfortunes and dangers.

The dream was prophetic. The child was ...

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