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Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials

Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials 7.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-25 12:34:11

作者:Ezra Schwartz

出版社:Packt Publishing



文件格式: pdf

标签: Axure 交互设计 产品经理 用户界面设计 用户体验 design 设计 UX

简介· · · · · ·

Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials is a detailed, practical primer on the leading rapid prototyping tool. Short on jargon and high on concepts, real-life scenarios and step-by-step guidance through hands-on examples, this book will show you how to integrate Axure into your UX workflow. This book is written for UX practitioners, business analysts, product managers, and anyone els...

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