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Outbreak! Plagues That Changed History: Plagues That Changed History

Outbreak! Plagues That Changed History: Plagues That Changed History 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-26 12:13:29

作者:Barnard, Bryn

出版社:Random House Childrens Books



文件格式: pdf

标签: 科学普及 医学 英文原版 文化 历史

简介· · · · · ·

Did the Black Death destroy the feudal system? Did cholera pave the way for modern Manhattan? Did yellow fever help end the slave trade? Remarkably, the answer to all of these questions is yes. Time and again, diseases have impacted the course of human history in surprisingly powerful ways. From influenza to small pox, from tuberculosis to yellow fever, Bryn Barnard describ...

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