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Groovy Recipes: Greasing the Wheels of Java (Pragmatic Programmers)

Groovy Recipes: Greasing the Wheels of Java (Pragmatic Programmers) 7.7分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-27 12:29:41

作者:Scott Davis

出版社:Pragmatic Bookshelf



文件格式: pdf

标签: 动态语言 Java 编程语言 Groovy 程序设计 Grails 编程 test

简介· · · · · ·

Each recipe in "Groovy Recipes" begins with a concise code example for a quick start, followed by in-depth explanation in plain English. These recipes will get you to-to-speed in a Groovy environment quickly. You'll see how to speed up nearly every aspect of the development process using Groovy. Groovy makes mundane file management tasks like copying and renaming files trivial....

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