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Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd Edition

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd Edition 7.5分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-27 12:30:03

作者:John Zelle

出版社:Franklin, Beedle & Associates Inc



文件格式: pdf

标签: python 编程 Python 计算机 Programming 计算机科学 程序设计 计算机/编程

简介· · · · · ·

This is the second edition of John Zelle's Python Programming, updated for Python 3. This book is designed to be used as the primary textbook in a college-level first course in computing. It takes a fairly traditional approach, emphasizing problem solving, design, and programming as the core skills of computer science. However, these ideas are illustrated using a non-traditiona...

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