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The Phantom Public: KWs: bumblebees, Robert Michels, field mice, Logan Pearsall Smith, democracy, twilight zone, Aristotle, public opinion, modus vivendi, sovereign citizen, Descartes, intel, omnicompetent, democratic, SOCIAL CONTRACTS, French Revolution, dogma, balances of power, nonconformity, lems

The Phantom Public: KWs: bumblebees, Robert Michels, field mice, Logan Pearsall Smith, democracy, twilight zone, Aristotle, public opinion, modus vivendi, sovereign citizen, Descartes, intel, omnicompetent, democratic, SOCIAL CONTRACTS, French Revolution, dogma, balances of power, nonconformity, lems 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-03 12:27:29

作者:Walter Lippmann

出版社:Transaction Publishers



文件格式: pdf

标签: 美国 政治 传播 传媒 Lippmann Communication 政治学 近期待讀文史書

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