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The Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village

The Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village 9.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-07 12:35:09

作者:Yunxiang Yan

出版社:Stanford University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 人类学 Anthropology 闫云翔 社会学 海外中国研究经典 海外中国研究 Anthropology(EN) 耶鲁大学博士论文

简介· · · · · ·

Gift-giving is a classic topic in anthropology, where on-going debates involve the principle of reciprocity, the spirit of the gift, and the relationship between gifts and commodities. In this study, the author examines the gift-giving and related social activities that pervade daily life in China, focusing on routine activities - visits between relatives, exchanges of food and...

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