分类于: 人工智能 其它


Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it

Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-11 04:14:25

作者:Martin Ford

出版社:Packt Publishing



文件格式: pdf

标签: 人工智能 AI 计算机 科技 2019 访谈录 美國 機器學習

简介· · · · · ·

How will AI evolve and what major innovations are on the horizon? What will its impact be on the job market, economy, and society? What is the path toward human-level machine intelligence? What should we be concerned about as artificial intelligence advances?

Architects of Intelligence contains a series of in-depth, one-to-one interviews where New York Times bestselling author,...

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