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Elephant & Piggie: I Am Invited to a Party

Elephant & Piggie: I Am Invited to a Party 9.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-12 04:16:32

作者:Willems, Mo

出版社:Walker Books



文件格式: pdf

标签: 英文绘本 人际关系 书_绘本 AgeY02+ 英文 绘本 繪本 桥梁书

简介· · · · · ·

These are one of a series of delightfully humorous award-winning tales for beginner readers from an internationally acclaimed author-illustrator. Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In "I am Invited to a Party!", Piggie is invited to her first party. But wha...

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