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Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management (Pragmatic Programmers)

Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management (Pragmatic Programmers) 8.8分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-17 00:13:25

作者:Johanna Rothman

出版社:Pragmatic Bookshelf



文件格式: pdf

标签: 项目管理 管理 Pragmatic 软件开发 ProjectManagement 管理学 pm 计算机

简介· · · · · ·

Great management is difficult to see as it occurs. It's possible to see the results of great management, but it's not easy to see how managers achieve those results. Great management happens in one-on-one meetings and with other managers - all in private. It's hard to learn management by example when you can't see it. You can learn to be a better manager - even a great manager ...

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