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Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It’s Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives

Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It’s Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-20 13:58:19

作者:Danny Dorling

出版社:Yale University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 趋势 经济 社会学 未来 文化 商业 人文 互联网

简介· · · · · ·

A powerful and counterintuitive argument that we should welcome the current slowdown—of population growth, economies,

and technological innovation

Drawing from an incredibly rich trove of global data, this groundbreaking

book reveals that human progress has been slowing down since the early

1970s. Danny Dorling uses compelling visualizations to illustrate how fertility

rates, g...

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