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Social Media Marketing: How Data Analytics helps to monetize the User Base in Telecoms, Social Networks, Media and Advertising in a Converged Ecosystem

Social Media Marketing: How Data Analytics helps to monetize the User Base in Telecoms, Social Networks, Media and Advertising in a Converged Ecosystem 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-13 17:17:28

作者:Ajit V Jaokar




文件格式: pdf

标签: social_media marketing 营销 社会化媒体 工作 社交媒体 Social

简介· · · · · ·

Social Media Marketing - How Data Analytics helps to monetize the User Base in Telecoms, Social Networks, Media and Advertising in a Converged Ecosystem Social media marketing is a mechanism to interact with a set of online social media conversations from a marketing perspective, based on converged media (since conversations span technologies and media). Social media marketing ...

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