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The Human Motor: Energy, Fatigue, and the Origins of Modernity

The Human Motor: Energy, Fatigue, and the Origins of Modernity 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-17 04:18:11

作者:Anson Rabinbach

出版社:University of California Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 资本主义 資本主義 美國 科學 科学 现代性 歷史 文学批评读物

简介· · · · · ·

Science once had an unshakable faith in its ability to bring the forces of nature - even human nature - under control. In this wide-ranging book Anson Rabinbach examines how developments in physics, biology, medicine, psychology, politics, and art employed the metaphor of the working body as a human motor. From nineteenth-century theories of thermodynamics and political economy...

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