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Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0

Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 7.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-20 02:22:50

作者:John Allsopp

出版社:friends of ED



文件格式: pdf

标签: microformats web usability 互联网 design 网络 交互设计 技术

简介· · · · · ·

In this book, noted web developer and long time WaSP member John Allsop teaches all you need to know about the technology: what Microformats are currently available and how to use them; the general principles of how they work, so you'll be able to understand and use future Microformat; how to use Microformats with web sites and software that already support them; and how to cre...

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